Bollywood superstar and International beauty icon Priyanka Chopra, 36, got married to U.S. singer Nick Jonas, 26, in a traditional Hindu ceremony, on December 2. The wedding marked the culmination of three-day long wedding festivities, that featured friendly cricket matches, a mehendi ceremony, a Sangeet night and a Christian wedding. The ceremonies took place at Taj Grand Umaid Bhawan Palace, atop a hill, in Jodhpur Rajasthan.
The wedding, in typical celebrity traditions, was a strictly private affair, away from prying eyes of the media. The couple exchanged wedding vows in a Christian ceremony on December 1, wearing custom-made Ralph Lauren clothes. It was officiated by Jonas's father Paul Kevin Jonas, a pastor.
One of the most special things that our relationship has given us is a merging of families who love and respect each others' faiths and cultures. And so planning our wedding with an amalgamation of both was so so amazing, Chopra wrote on her Instagram account while sharing pictures from her mehendi ceremony.
At the Sangeet function, families danced to Bollywood songs, including some of Chopra's biggest hits. They are scheduled to host a reception in New Delhi on Tuesday.
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