Priyanka Chopra and Nick Jonas, who got married in a Christian ceremony on December 1, had their Sangeet at the luxurious Taj Umaid Bhawan Palace in Jodhpur on November 30. The couple treated their fans with some inside pictures and a video on Sunday, which have glimses of Priyanka, Nick, Sophie Turner, Joe Jonas, Madhu Chopra, Parineeti Chopraand Isha Ambani's performances.
Sharing pictures from her Sangeet night, Priyanka wrote, “It all began as a fierce song & dance competition between the families but ended, as always. as a huge celebration of love. Nick and I were looking forward to the Sangeet (musical evening). another pre wedding ritual.. and to see what each side had put together.
Sophie Turner on the dance floor
Priyanka's Sangeet was cent percent Filmy
The Happy bride enjoying the performances
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